Sunday, March 4, 2012

Final Week in Gulfport...

I have been debating about whether I wanted to post anything today because honestly I am pretty sad. I had to say goodbye to Garden Park on Friday, which has been my work home for the last 4 years and I really love the people that I worked with there. It was comfortable, it was good, it was safe.

Brandy Spencer Rea came down yesterday and we spent a really nice afternoon and evening saying goodbye (for now). A great meal and a little dancing, we had fun the way we have many times before, during college. It was comfortable, it was good, it was safe. 

This afternoon, I got together with some of the greatest women that I have ever known. Known with affection as, "The Crows", these women have taken me into their group and taught me that friendship can be forever. I see that theirs has been for each other and I am blessed that I am now a part of this group. It was comfortable, it was good, it was safe.

I am beginning this journey with the State Department that may not end up being any of those things; comfortable, good or safe. At least not all three at the same time. I am excited and terrified and going between feelings of elation and utter fear. 

But something happened today at Nugent United Methodist Church; the pastor, Lance Presley, talked about the fact that sometimes we have to give up good things, because we believe something better is coming. Or that the things that we are giving up are keeping us from reaching the better things in our future. I know that he was talking about the time of Lent and the preparation leading up to Easter and the Resurrection, but this really hit home for me. Although the things that I am giving up are comfortable and good and safe, the fact is that I believe that God has a different path for me right now and I have to give these things up or I will never follow this new path. 

So, I have cried and hugged and been sad, but I am also happy and excited about the future.

Well, enough of my ruminations, duty calls. Baths must be given, books must be read and lullabies sung. My family needs me and that is a great thing. 

I will leave you with a picture of a couple of crows....I am so glad that I am a part of the flock!

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