Saturday, February 25, 2012

Two weeks and counting....

Saturday morning, two weeks out from D day, Departure Day. Here's where we stand so far....

1. I have a fully furnished apartment reserved in Washington DC at Oakwood Falls Church; small problem, they called me this week and said that some of the people scheduled to check out have extended and so the 2 bedroom apartment that we are supposed to get will not be available when I get to DC. They have a 1 bedroom available and they will move me into a 2 bedroom, as soon as something is available. This is a small inconvenience, but nothing major. Al and Sofia won't even be in Washington for a couple of months, so maybe by then, we will have the bigger apartment. If not, we will just be up close and personal, all cozy...didn't the Ingall's family from Little House on the Prairie all sleep in one room?

2. I spoke with the packing/moving company this week. We have our pre-pack survey on Wednesday afternoon. This means that someone from the moving company will come and walk through the house with me while I point out which things will need to be packed and moved. Seems easy enough, but since a large portion of our stuff is being given away or sold, this presents a challenge in explaining things. Example: We want the stuff in the cabinet, but the actual cabinet is not to be shipped. They told me to stop packing things myself. They may have to undo everything that I have done, if it is not packed to appropriate specifications. So I am relegated to sorting stuff and making piles. My house is a nightmare. Don't look mom!

3. On the work front, I am turning over the reigns next week to my replacement. She will get to work with me for the whole week, which should mean that is at least 1 area of my life where I still have some control. I am thrilled with my replacement, she should be excellent and I am confident that I am leaving the hospital in competent hands. I am surprised to say, but I am actually sad to leave. I love Garden Park Medical Center and I will continue to be a strong supporter of this amazing facility that has meant so much to me.

4. Finally, my grandparents are on town. Henry and Shirley Richmond have made the drive down from North Texas, just to help if they can. Mostly what they are going to do is help me keep my mind off everything. We are going to play dominoes and other games and just enjoy some family time. It should be great and an appreciated distraction.

What will the next couple of weeks bring? Stay tuned to Arriaga's Adventures for breaking news.

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