Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sofia's 8th Birthday

We celebrated Sofia's 8th birthday yesterday and it was an excellent party! Sofia had a swim party and she invited many of her friends from school. We had a butterfly theme including a piñata. For everyone who sent gifts, thank you. She has enjoyed playing with her new toys and games.This is evidenced by the fact that they are strewn all over the house right now. 

We had some great Mexican food and good company and her father and I are worn out. It was a truly excellent day! Please enjoy the pictures below.

Sofia showing off her new mosaic butterfly and new golf clothes!
Alberto working the grill to cook the fajitas.

Sofia's rainbow birthday cake

Sofia loved her friends singing to her

Enjoying the cupcakes

Piñata time

Lots of presents
A new monkey to add to the family

Sofia had a great birthday!

A rainbow to bless our birthday girl, right over our house.

Happy Birthday to sweet Sofia!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Easter time...almost

I apologize to everyone right up front. I haven't posted in over a month and I am sorry. Things here are so blissfully normal, that I can't usually think up much to post. We are preparing for Sofia's 8th birthday next weekend and also Easter and the start of her spring break.

Work is work and we are very busy preparing for evaluation season, award season, and several other important deadline driven things. Alberto is busy with work, taking guitar lessons, and has considered playing soccer. He is enjoying the Cameroon-Togo match at the stadium, as I type.

Already plans are underway for our summer R&R trip and I must admit, I am ready for a break. It will be nice to see our family and friends.

I am currently making yogurt, in the crock-pot. For everyone who is following our African adventure, you will know that I have gotten very domestic since coming to Cameroon. I have made sour cream, pizza dough, ice cream, bread, and cinnamon rolls from scratch. Now, I am giving yogurt a shot. I will let everyone know how it goes.

To conclude this post, of course, I have some great pictures of Sofia to share!

Sofia in her new Easter dress.

Sofia with Al before he transformed all the way into the Easter bunny!

Sofia in her Easter dress with her basket.

Honestly, Al makes kind of a creepy Easter bunny, but the kids loved it.
That's all folks. Until next time...